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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day in the Life...

Every once in a while I thought I'd post about what it's like being a teen librarian in case you were thinking of becoming one, or just curious. Today was fairly atypical and ridiculously busy but also really fun. 

I arrived at work, packed my car full of Wii equipment and headed out to a branch to meet Natale Ghent who was doing two author visits - at two different branches. I had just finished Gravity Brings Me Down on Tuesday and loved it (watch for a review soon!) so was attempting not to fangirl too hard. I think I succeeded. 

After her fantastic talk, I left the Wii stuff there (we're coming back to it) and we headed out to lunch which was fantastic. It was so fantastic that we were almost late to her next talk but we made it just in time. Cue technical difficulties and now we are running behind. Didn't get the projector up and running but Natale took it in stride. Canadian librarians, if you can get her for your library, she's completely lovely. 

After her talk, I headed back to the first branch to set up for a gaming program for that afternoon. Teens are in the middle of exams so the stress relief of beating stuff up in Super Smash Bros. was intensely needed. Once everything was set up - and this involved running around trying to find an extra extension cord, etc. etc. - and teens were happily either rocking out with Rock Band or smashing stuff in SSB, I left the staff member to handle the program and went back to my home branch where I was helping to run our first ever BYOB club. No, not bring your own booze - bring your own book! 

We only had a couple teens but considering it's the middle of exams, I wasn't surprised. We chatted about manga, k-pop, school cliques, and gangs. Gave my card to both boys and told them to e-mail me if they thought of a manga we should order. While we do have an ARP, sometimes we miss things. 

At that point it was just about 5pm and it was time to go upstairs to my desk and figure out what I was doing tomorrow for Family Literacy Day. My colleague and I worked out what puppet shows we were doing and when we were going to load up my car with the puppet stage, sound system and puppets. 

Time to go home and collapse! Phew! 

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